The First Story: Movie “Sight”

Telling Chinese American stories

On October 27 of 2023, Universal Studios will release in theaters across the United States the film, “Sight”( The movie is based on Dr. Ming Wang’s autobiography, ” From Darkness to Sight.”  The film won 2023 International Christian Visual Media (ICVM) best feature film.  The message of the film is about freedom, faith, and common ground. 10月27日 环球影城将在全美上映《光明》这部电影。 这部电影是第一部以大陆背景留学生为背景、正面讲述华裔故事的好莱坞影片。以王明旭医生为原型,该片获得ICVM头奖:最佳故事片。影片是关于自由、信仰和共同点。

Since May 19, Dr. Wang has launched a national movie screening campaign, starting from New York.  Volunteers from 19 cities desired to bring Sight and Dr. Wang to their cities.  It shows Chinese Americans truly love the good story about Chinese Americans.  In only about a month, hundreds of people have seen the movie in 7 cities.  自从5月19日,王医生从纽约拉开了全国预演Sight活动的序幕。消息传出来, 全美国19个城市的志愿者邀请王医生把电影带到他们的城市,希望让更多的人了解电影和王医生的故事。 到6月份,已经有上千人看了预演。

For more information, please contact National Sight tour director: Kate Wu, 吴薇,, WeChat ID: zhongmei86, (713) 502-5487, Twitter ID: DrKateWu 如果想了解详细信息,请跟吴博士联系。

Note: If you live in cities that are listed below, please contact the city coordinators directly for information on how to watch the movie. If your city is not listed below, please contact Kate Wu about becoming a city coordinator. 如果您的城市有安排预演,请与当地的Host 联系。 如果您想邀请Sight 到您的城市预演,请跟吴博士联系。

Information about Dr. Ming Wang

One Page Sight Intro 1页电影介绍(中文)

Dr. Ming Wang as a Common Ground Seeker 王明旭医生作为共同点的追求者

Movie Sight Official Trailer

Trailer with Chinese Subtitle 带中文字母的片花

Other Interview and Reporting